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Dr. Lisa C. Benson

Dr. Lisa BensonProfessor
Department of Engineering & Science Education
Office: 255 Sirrine Hall
Phone: (864) 656-7148

Editor, Journal of Engineering Education


Ph.D., Clemson University, 2002, Bioengineering
M.S., Clemson University, 1986, Bioengineering, (Minor in EE)
B.S., University of Vermont, 1982, Bioengineering

Research and Teaching Interests:

My research focuses on the interactions between student motivation and their learning experiences. Her projects focus on student perceptions, beliefs, and attitudes towards becoming engineers and scientists, development of problem-solving skills, self-regulated learning, and epistemic beliefs. Other projects in the Benson group involve student-centered instruction, engineering in secondary science and mathematics classrooms, and assessing engineering students' global competencies.

Recent Courses:

Bioengineering 3200, Biomechanics

ESED 8200, Teaching Undergraduate Engineering
ESED 8250, Engineering and Science Student Strategies

Graduate Students:

Dennis Lee
Catherine McGough
Victoria Sellers

Other Activities:

Science as Art
Sigma Xi (scientific research society)
Clemson Memorial Carillon

