First-year general engineering students presented their final projects for 1414, Foundations of Engineering Practice, in a section taught by Matt James. With projects ranging from fire alarm safety to a portable air conditioner for the dorm to improving visibility on the Virginia Tech crosswalks, our newest Hokie engineers spent the semester working through scope, iteration and the whole design process!

Explore our fall 1414 class through our photo story (click individual photos to enlarge).

Students presented unique solutions to the desk sizes in lecture halls; humidity and heat in older residence halls; and improving the safety of Virginia Tech crosswalks.

Traveling by foot on campus sparked several creative project ideas, including a traffic control barrier arm around Burruss Circle and a smart pedestrian barrier.

Matt James coached the engineering students through the design thinking process, which helped them narrow the scope of their campus problems, like the Hokie Passport PID Wristband project, which takes the student ID and turns it into an easy-to-wear wristband.

Several groups presented different fire alarm safety mechanisms, including a small video camera option and a prototype hand motion senors, designed to track the number of falsely pulled alarms.

Photos by Niki Hazuda for Virginia Tech.