Jenny Lo, Ph.D.

635 Prices Fork Rd
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 1999
B.S. Chemical Engineering, Tulane University, 1994
Teaching/Courses Taught
Foundations of Engineering I (ENGE 1215/1216)
Office Hours: Spring 2021
Tuesday, 3-4 PM and Friday, 1-2 PM; other times by appointment. All office hours via Zoom this semester.
Jenny Lo has been teaching first-year engineering courses since 2001. She serves on the ENGE undergraduate curriculum committee and is the chair of the ENGE honorifics committee. She has been the faculty advisor for the Rho Chapter of Alpha Omega Epsilon, an engineering sorority, since the chapter's founding in 2006.
Research Interests
- Curriculum development
- Engineering ethics
Selected Awards & Honors
- Student Engineers’ Council Engineering Organization Advisor Award, Virginia Tech, 2017
- Nunnally Award, Department of Engineering Education, Virginia Tech, 2013
- Co-recipient of American Society of Engineering Education Journal of Engineering Education’s William Elgin Wickenden Award for Best Paper published in Journal of Engineering Education during 2009
- Co-recipient of Award for Outreach Excellence, College of Engineering, Virginia Tech, April, 2009
Subset of Service Activities
VT Women’s Alliance, Instructor/Research Faculty Subcommittee Co-chair, 2019-present
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Engineering Education (ENGE), Virginia Tech (VT), 2006-present
Honorifics Committee, ENGE, VT, Chair 2010-present
Honorifics Committee, College of Engineering (COE), VT, 2010-present
Department of Engineering Education Scholarship Committee, VT, 2010-present
College of Engineering DyKnow Alternatives Working Group, VT, 2018-2019
Faculty Senate, VT, 2012-2015
Undergraduate Technology Committee, COE, VT, 2012-2013
Faculty Advisor: Alpha Omega Epsilon, Rho Chapter, VT, 2006-present
Co-presenter: COE Open House, VT, spring: 2008-2017
IEEE Educational Activities and Women in Engineering Advisory Board, 2008
Reviewer: Journal of Engineering Education, Advances in Engineering Education, ASEE Annual Conference and Exhibition
Reviewer: NSF Panels
Selected Publications
- James, M. B., & Hodges, K., & Lo, J. L. (2019, June), Enhancing Student Perceptions of Engineering Disciplines through Showcasing of Career Paths Paper presented at 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition , Tampa, Florida. 10.18260/1-2--32750
- Lo, J. L., Hodges, K., Butler, W., & Knott, T. (2016). Expanded Advice from Coordinators of Large-enrollment First-year Engineering Courses. In 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. New Orleans, LA. doi:10.18260/p.26801
Johri, Aditya, Teo, Hon Jie, Lo, Jenny, Dufour, Monique & Schram, Asta. (2014). “Millennial Engineers: Digital Media and Information Use Among Engineering Students,” Computers in Human Behavior, 33:286–301.
Johri, Aditya, Dufour, Monique, Lo, Jenny, & Shanahan, Daniel (2013). “AdWiki: Socio-technical Systems Engineering for Managing Advising Knowledge in Higher Education,” International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development, 5(1):37-59.
Lo, Jenny, Knott, Tamara, Walker, Thomas, & Lohani, Vinod. (2012). “Administrative Advice from Coordinators of Large-Enrollment First Year Engineering Courses with Significant Active-Learning Components,” Proceedings of 2012 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 10-13, 2012, San Antonio, TX.
Goff, Richard, Williams, Chris, Terpenny, Janis, Gilbert, Karen, Knott, Tamara, & Lo, Jenny (2010). “ROXIE: Real Outreach eXperiences In Engineering First-Year Engineering Students Designing for Community Partners,” special issue of the International Journal of Engineering Education. 26(2). | Abstract
Jonassen, David H., Shen, Demei Marra, Rose Marra, Cho, Young-Hoan , Lo, Jenny L., and Lohani, Vinod K. (2009). “Engaging and Supporting Problem Solving in Engineering Ethics,” Journal of Engineering Education, 98 (3), 235-254.
Castles, Ricky, Lohani, Vinod, Lo, Jenny, and Scott, Eric. (2009). “Tablet-PC Based Electronic Grading System in a Large First Year Engineering Course,” Proceedings of the 2009 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Austin, PA, June 14-17, 2009.
Career Highlights
- Faculty Advisor, Rho Chapter, Alpha Omega Epsilon, 2006 - present
- Promotion to Senior Instructor, Virginia Tech, 2015
- Certificate of Teaching Excellence, Virginia Tech, 2008
- Dean’s Award, Outstanding New Assistant Professor, College of Engineering, Virginia Tech, 2005