Dayoung Kim, Ph.D.

727 Prices Fork Rd
Blacksburg, VA 24061
- Courses Taught, Education & Research Interests
- Research Statement & Biography
- Awards & Honors
- Selected Publications
- Research Grants
Courses Taught
Foundations of Engineering I (ENGE 1215)
Startup: Commercialization of Innovation (ENGE/MGT/IDS 4094)
Quantitative Data Analysis in Engineering Education (ENGE 6614)
UR: Exploring Engineering Education Research Basics (ENGE 2994)
Ph.D. Engineering Education, Purdue University, 2022
M.S. Chemical Engineering, Purdue University, 2021
B.S. Chemical Engineering, Yonsei University, 2017
Research Interests
- Ethics and Innovation in Engineering
- Engineering Practice
- Workforce Development
- Technology and Social Entrepreneurship
- Engineering Career in Policy and Startup
Research Statement
** For more up-to-date information on Dr. Kim’s research, please visit **
Dr. Dayoung Kim conducts research in engineering practice and workforce development (e.g., practices and experiences of, and competencies required for, engineers in various employment settings, such as business organizations (e.g., startup companies) and government agencies; workforce challenges and opportunities from emerging technologies), engineering ethics (e.g., social responsibility of engineering professionals and its education), and related policy concerns.
The overarching goal of her research is to identify effective strategies to cultivate an innovative and responsible engineering workforce through educational initiatives and science & technology policy. This requires a better understanding of engineers' daily practices and the regulatory and policy environment surrounding their work environments. She has utilized quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods approaches to answer questions like: How do engineers establish and manage their own ventures that aim to create social values and how can educators nurture engineers who can create socially responsible values with their technological expertise? How do engineers incorporate ethical principles into their design practices, particularly in designing emerging technologies like AI? What strategies are effective in fostering a responsible engineering workforce? Dr. Kim actively collaborates with engineers in various professional contexts to answer these critical questions.
Dr. Dayoung Kim is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Engineering Education (College of Engineering) and a Director of the LABoratory for Innovative and Responsible Engineering workforce (LAB-IREEN) at Virginia Tech. Dr. Kim conducts research in engineering practice and workforce development, engineering ethics and social responsibility, and related policy concerns.
She received her Ph.D. in Engineering Education at Purdue University (2022) and received her B.S. and M.S. in Chemical Engineering at Yonsei University (2017) and Purdue University (2021) respectively. During her doctoral study, she received the 2022 Christine Mirzayan Science & Technology Policy Graduate Fellowship from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and the 2022 College of Engineering Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award from Purdue University. She was also a Bilsland Fellow of the College of Engineering at Purdue University when she was a Ph.D. student.
Awards & Honors
- Honorable Mention Best Paper Award, IEEE-ETHICS 2023 Conference, 2023
- Apprentice Faculty Grant, Educational Research and Methods (ERM) Division, American Society for Engineering Education, 2023
- +Policy Research Fellowship, Institute for Society, Culture, and Environment - Policy Destination Area, Virginia Tech, 2022
- College of Engineering Outstanding Research Award, Purdue University, 2022
- Lillian Gilbreth Postdoctoral Fellowship, Purdue University, 2022 (offered but declined)
- Christine Mirzayan Science & Technology Policy Graduate Fellowship, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2022
- Finalist, Best Paper Award, Engineering Ethics Division, American Society of Engineering Education, 2021
- Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship, Purdue University, 2021
- Best Formal Paper by a Graduate Student Award, Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, 2020
- Finalist, Benjamin Dasher Best Paper Award, IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2018
- Explorer Fellowship, Purdue University, 2017
Selected Publications
Kim, D. & Katz. A. (2024). Engineering students’ interests in nonprofit and public policy careers: Applying a data-driven approach to identifying contributing factors. Journal of Engineering Education, 144(1), e20620.
Kim, J., Kim, D., & David-John, B. (2024). The role of privacy concerns, perceived benefits, and trust in citizens' acceptance of street-view image collection by local planning agencies. Cities, 154, 105339.
Kim, D., Zhu, Q., & Eldardiry, H. (2024). Toward a policy approach to normative artificial intelligence governance: Implications for AI ethics education. IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society, 5(3), 325-333.
Zhu, Q., Kim, D., & Sneider, R. (2024). The ethics of engineering ethics education: Curriculum design, ethics pedagogies, and the moral responsibilities of ethics educators. Teaching Ethics, 24(1), 165-177.
Kim, D. & Jesiek, B. K. (2023). Political ideologies and moral foundations of engineering professionals in the United States. Technology in Society, 75(2).
Hess, J. L., Kim, D., & Fila, N. D. (2023). Critical incidents in ways of experiencing ethical engineering practice in the health products industry. Studies in Engineering Education, 3(2).
Kim, D. & Hess, J. L. (2022). A multi-layered illustration of exemplary business ethics practices with voices of the engineers in the health products industry. Journal of Business Ethics, 187, 169-183.
Kim, D., Jesiek, B. K., & Mazzurco, A. (2022). Development and validation of the Sojourn Readiness Assessment (SRA): Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, and translation to Chinese. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 88, 95-105.
Howland, S. J., Kim, D., & Jesiek, B. K. (2022). Senior engineering students’ reflection on their learning of ethics and morality: A qualitative investigation of influences and lessons learned. International Journal of Ethics Education, 7, 171-199.
Kim, D. (2022). Promoting professional socialization: A synthesis of Durkheim, Kohlberg, Hoffman, and Haidt for professional ethics education. Business and Professional Ethics Journal, 41(1), 93-114.
Kim, D., Jesiek, B. K., & Howland, S. J. (2021). Longitudinal investigation of moral disengagement among undergraduate engineering students: Findings from a mixed-methods study. Ethics & Behavior.
Kim, D., Jesiek, B. K., Zoltowski, C. B., Loui, M. C., & Brightman, A. O. (2020). An academic-industry partnership for preparing the next generation of ethical engineers for professional practice. Advances in Engineering Education, 8(3).
Research Grants
Investigating the Impact of Scaffolded Ethics Autobiography on Engineering Identity and Students' Career Interests. Funded by National Science Foundation, Award# 2417377; Principal Investigator: Dayoung Kim; Co-Principal Investigators: Marie Paretti | Abstract
Research: Exploring How AI Engineers Perceive and Develop Translational Ethical Competency. Funded by National Science Foundation, Award# 2412398; Principal Investigator: Hoda Eldardiry; Co-Principal Investigators: Dayoung Kim, Qin Zhu | Abstract
Building Capacity for Research in Technology-Based Social Entrepreneurship Education for the Next Generation of Engineering Leaders. Funded by National Science Foundation, Award# 2321188; Principal Investigator: Dayoung Kim | Abstract
Fostering Regional Innovation Ecosystem in the State of Virginia: Examining University Administrators’ Perspectives. Funded by 4-VA; Principal Investigator: Dayoung Kim
Exploring AI Ethics Policy Concerns and Career Pathways of the AI Professionals. Funded by the Institute for Society, Culture, and Environment - Policy Destination Area (ISCE-PDA), Virginia Tech; Principal Investigator: Dayoung Kim; Co-Principal Investigators: Qin Zhu, Hoda Eldardiry